Method-to-iT @LouiseAyr: #Beliefs #Cults Groups; #Scams; Coercion #Control; #Protection Boundaries: #Mindcluk = #Cuckooing the Mind. #Invasive #Technology:
Themes of control, i.e. things that happen naturally as part of ordinary relationships and interaction, & biological/technical methods, requiring a lot of engineering to push through wholesale. Have these been in the pipeline for thousands of years?


We all have bugbears about things and people. Something that bothers me is a double-standard in social work (helping people or not), and whether the wish really is for someone to improve. People in mental health wards I visited, explained: 'We're just a number on a file to the staff. Don't be fooled.' Fortunately, I also met good professionals.

Another bugbear is miscarriages of justice. Mistakes can be made, but did you look into them? That can happen to any of us, and be difficult or impossible to reverse.

I pulled together some threads on why crimes against children were not prosecuted more, considering how many are involved, and the sexual nature.

Why Are Some Crimes Not Prosecuted?

See Eaters of Children: The Pedocracy Exposed by Giovanni Johnny Cirucci.

Not only are some perpetrators against children being effectively let off, in some countries through statute of limitatations, but questions have been raised about some serial killers, and whether sometimes a case has been considered solved, when other evidence could have been overlooked, as in 'It's not what you know (or did), it's who you know.' Freemasonry means different things to different people, and conspiracy writers point to strange happenings or undue influence, such as in business or Police matters. There are countless other groups offering social, moral or practical support to their members, some with a particular focus, and some quite cult-like.

Writers such as Leo Zagami, Isaac Weishaupt, suggest that the Vatican has become influenced by other forces, to the point where it is nothing like people think, a total 'Reversal'. This is particularly relevant to the many allegations of child sexual abuse. Illuminati means different things to people, some claiming it began as a movement to inform and empower ordinary people, a forerunner to WikiLeaks. Read up on Mind Control. Look at the work of R.A. Chamberlin, and Truthspoon. Also Texe Marrs, Jim Marrs, Thomas Horn, Nick Redfern, Mike Bara. Could it be, as some conspiratorial writers claim, that people of particular bloodlines are genetically different from most of us, and work together to ensure their own survival and privilege?

Some writers do a grand job of putting together multiple ideas and information, leading to work of other writers. Use what you can, and Make Up Your Own Mind.

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