Method-to-iT @LouiseAyr: #Beliefs #Cults Groups; #Scams; Coercion #Control; #Protection Boundaries: #Mindcluk = #Cuckooing the Mind. #Invasive #Technology:
Themes of control, i.e. things that happen naturally as part of ordinary relationships and interaction, & biological/technical methods, requiring a lot of engineering to push through wholesale. Have these been in the pipeline for thousands of years?

Invasive Technology; Casuistry

Update June 2021

A temporary lock was placed on my Twitter account for the first time. I had to delete the following:

Could a #vaccine #combine with #5G? Or xyz? Do your own #research. "#Nerve #cell #proteins, #activated by heat + mechanical pressure can be #genetically #engineered to be sensitive to #radio #waves + #magnetic #fields by attaching to an #iron-storing #protein called #ferritin."

Search for 'ferritin' information going back to before the current vaccination situation. It may not have relevance, but can we not raise questions about any of this? As a delivery driver commented to me in a random conversation, 'This isn't over yet. We all have to look after ourselves.'

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Neural lace is a form of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) which facilitates a direct communication pathway between an enhanced or 'wired brain' and an external device.

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

"Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles.

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Biodigital Convergence, COVID Magnetogenetic Ferritin Vaccines & Big Spikes In Mass Vaccinated Areas

Video from TheLastAmericanVagabond TLAV 
(section starts about halfway through):

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I next had a Twitter ban for 7 days for trying to post this reply to a post:

A Russian hacker found a database that shows vaccinated people’s info (vital signs, exact GPS coordinates, whether they are sleeping or awake) being uploaded in real time. Ppl who have received the vaccine are being tracked in real time by this Artificial Intelligence 5g system.

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Certainly, people are getting clamped down on for trying to raise any concerns regarding vaccinations.

But, could it be that there's no particular significance in a combination of 5G and, say the Covid 'vaccine'?

Please watch Dr Katherine Horton:

5G as a mass DEW terra-
forming platform for AI 
artificial intelligence.

You thought people were making up scare stories about being targeted, or being paranoid?

Also see books and downloads from Richard Lighthouse.

What is DEW?

Though It Seems Crazy Now, the Neutron Bomb Was Intended to Be Humane


What might satellites be able to do? See A New Breed by Dr John Hall.

What can we do and who are these individuals who are trying to control the way the think, feel, act and what we do?

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Watch Dr Michael Salla talking to Lucas Alexander, AgeofTruthTV:

'Secret Space Program, E.T. Alien Control & Mass Hypnosis'

Too deep for us to attempt a summary.

Note inserted June 2021
We've mentioned elsewhere in Blogs & on Twitter about motivation and therapists, and to be free to walk away from something that honestly does not feel in one's best interests. Therapy is naturally painful: It should not be harmful, or take people apart for the sake of it.

Elsewhere we've mentioned author Leo Lyon Zagami, and recently came across Vol. IV of Confessions of an Illuminati, American Renaissance 2.0 and the Missing Link from the Invisible World. You may have no interest in mind control experiments if those seem irrelevant in your life. He puts a lot into perspective.

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Much of this is heady stuff! Different aspects draw or repel people. See what you think of this interview:

HARALD KAUTZ-VELLA –“Black Goo=Gaia Blood, A.I. Mind Control, Aliens & Narcissism”

We think it explains puzzling things, including why 'they' need us to be a few feet apart.

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BigBrotherWatch, 4th June 2021 

Thermal biosurveillance cameras are active in the UK and the appetite for them is growing!

The tech is NOT hot or cool and we cannot exit #lockdown to more health surveillance. We're taking action - alert us if you're aware of any thermal surveillance cameras in the UK!

Open Democracy, UK

Legal threat sharpens over UK government plans to harvest patient data from GPs

OpenDemocracy and campaigners threaten injunction over the largest seizure of personal medical records in NHS history.

We make no claim to get things right all-the-time. Sometimes we have doubts about a theme, then find reputable researchers backing them up. Or someone seems 'off' and other people feel the same, while to some the approach is helpful.

We have no 'angle', and if an avenue or platform gets blocked, it opens up others.

Casuistry has been added to the title, and you could check this article from LBC, 16th June 2021:

Without getting into hassle over Covid vaccinations here, there seem to be agendas to confuse people, or get them to consider them a logical step for their health + protection.

What if they aren't? Would You be happy for children to have them? 

Now watch this short video on Catch 22's -

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Dr Vernon Coleman's Predictions

Worth a listen.

Or go to his websites at

So what are self-disseminating vaccines? They spread from vaccinated people to unvaccinated? (thought that was not allowed).

And check this out:

Dr Stefan Lanka

One to look up! The subject is complex. Here is a link to a video explaining why some people may suffer severe health problems after mRNA vaccination, while others do not:

Link to a 10-page pdf file "Viruses are not microbes and have no infectious capacity".

Meanwhile, search for yourself, and this may help: 

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Expression of concern, published 28 June 2021

'For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination'

The number of cases experiencing adverse reactions has been reported to be 700 per 100,000 vaccinations. Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations. For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination. Conclusions: This lack of clear benefit should cause governments to rethink their vaccination policy.

Vaccination Policy and the U.K. Government: The Untold Truth Kindle Edition

What do Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, Gulf War Syndrome and shady vaccination policies have to do with the UK government?

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Is stalking a kind of scam, a cuckooing of one's life? Do Cults work by cuckooing the mind, the soul? Watch where you place your trust! Update at Groups, Minds & BeliefsProtection & Boundaries